Wayning moments rapidshare

The Vinyl comes with an insert-zine with illustrations of pollution, devastation of nature, killing and animal experiments, etc A tour of the Green, Not Tale!

In March , JB leaves and enters Fabio, who had already played with Redson a band that did not come out of the project: Bike. The band was Fabio on bass and vocals, Marcelo roadie at the time of Cholera on guitar and Redson on drums.

In the same year, after rehearse one set of about 70 songs with Fabio, Cholera enters the studio to record the LP World Mechanical, Electronic World, which comes with a version of the title track faster than in the recording made Try the LP Change Tomorrow. All composed before The Cholera is another tour. The Cholera played a total of h. The sound recording of this music video is in 20 years part of box 20 years , with simulated images of the first trials.

Public participation helped a lot in the success of the event. The new material that the band is launching in January A box with 01 live CD 21 songs , 01 video tape 29 songs , a Book with 79 pages telling the story of the band with just illustrations concert posters, photos, flyers, cryptic lyrics, discography, etc.. After the show 20 years, General Mental Chaos tour continued and the band is already preparing to tour 20 years and even more, making an album with only new songs.

Hard Core or what? Hear on:. Fogo Cruzado — Desemprego. Fogo Cruzado — Inimizade. Fogo Cruzado — Terceira guerra. Duas Ogivas. Rasgando no Ar. Violar suas Leis. Bonus - CD Version. Anjos do Beco. Pierre - drums. Val - bass. Pass: www.

Anos Obrigado a Obedecer. Crucificado Pelo Sistema. Quanto Vale a Liberdade. M19 "19 de abril". Ataque Sonoro [Compilation, - Ataque Frontal]:.

Original Track List:. Anarquia - Garotos Podres. Trabalhadores brasileiros - Espermogramix. Progresso - Desordeiros. Skate gralha - Grinders. Super projetos - Armagedom. Faces da morte - Lobotomia. Lobotomia - Lobotomia. Mortos de fome - Armagedom. Bombas - Espermogramix. Holocausto - Desordeiros. Empty Skulls Vol. Stranglehold - She's Not Leaving. Half Life - Old Glory. Half Life - Wise Up.

Pillsbury Hardcore - Kill Everyone Now. Pullsbury Hardcore - S. White 'n' Hairy - Involved. Corrosion of Conformity - Center of the World. Corrosion of Conformity - Eye for an Eye. Corrosion of Conformity - Negative Outlook.

Legion of Parasites - Dying World. Legion of Parasites - Boredom. Justice League - Looking Back. Colera - Em Voce. Colera - De o Fora. Pandemonium - Wir Gegen Fahren Nazis. Pandemonium - Sucks to This Wall.

Crude S. Wayne Shorter. Moon of Manakoora [Take 2]. Dead End [Take 8]. Wayning Moments [Take 2]. Eddie Higgins. Powder Keg [Take 5]. All or Nothing At All [Take 3]. Callaway Went That-a-Way [Take 3]. Black Orpheus [Take 3]. Devil's Island [Take 7]. Moon of Manakoora [Take 1]. Dead End [Take 7]. Wayning Moments [Take 3]. Powder Keg [Take 1]. Callaway Went That-a-Way [Take 1]. Genre Jazz. Devil's Island Wayne Shorter. Devil's Island Shorter Moon Of Manakoora Loesser-Newman Dead End Shorter Wayning Moments Shorter Powder Keg Shorter It is finely performed mainstream jazz of the era in which it was made.

While this recording does not equal the quality of the sessions to be recorded by Shorter later in the decade for Blue Note, it is pleasantly played bop. Shorter's tenor saxophone shows a conservative side, to be sure, and a young Freddie Hubbard hardly takes any chances.

Still, the rhythm section anchored by pianist Eddie Higgins and including bassist Jymie Merritt and drummer Marshall Thompson, keeps a solid beat and the results are pleasant enough.


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