I don't want to install and use GACUtil. I would be happy to send a screenshot of my Visual Studio Installer project, here's a brief description of it:.
Do I have to change the Release of the assembly project? Or do I need to add files to the other folders for it to actually work or something? Is there something I am missing? We should take many things into consideration before useing an assembly into the GAC using a Visual Studio Installer, some tips are necessary for us to do that,.
The Windows Installer installs common language runtime assemblies into the global assembly cache using the Microsoft. NET Framework. When installing assemblies to the global assembly cache, the installer cannot use the same directory structure and file version rules it uses when installing regular Windows Installer components.
Regular Windows Installer components may be installed into multiple directory locations by different products. Assemblies can exist only once in the assembly cache. Each assembly is added and removed from the assembly cache as an indivisible whole; therefore, all the files comprising an assembly are always installed or removed together. This command removes only the hello assembly that matches the fully specified version number, culture, and public key.
The following command installs the assemblies specified in the file assemblyList. The following command removes the assemblies specified in the file assemblyList. The following command installs myDll. The assembly myDll. The description parameter is specified as My Application Description. The description parameter is specified as MyApp.
The following command removes the reference to myDll. If this is the last reference to the assembly, it will also remove the assembly from the global assembly cache. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Contents Exit focus mode. Is this page helpful? Please rate your experience Yes No. Any additional feedback? Note Attempting to install an assembly with a filename longer than between 79 and 91 characters excluding the file extension can result in the following error: Failure adding assembly to the cache: The file name is too long.
Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback. In this article. The name of an assembly. The path to an ANSI text file that lists assemblies to install or uninstall. The tool interprets relative paths, relative to the location of the assemblyListFile. See the assemblyListFile contents examples later in this topic.
If an assembly with the same name already exists in the global assembly cache, the tool overwrites it. Feedback will be sent to Microsoft: By pressing the submit button, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services.
Privacy policy. The global assembly cache GAC stores assemblies that several applications share. Install an assembly into the global assembly cache with one of the following components:. You can install only strong-named assemblies into the global assembly cache. For information about how to create a strong-named assembly, see How to: Sign an assembly with a strong name.
Windows Installer , the Windows installation engine, is the recommended way to add assemblies to the global assembly cache. Windows Installer provides reference counting of assemblies in the global assembly cache and other benefits.
You can use the.