Eventhough the installer removes MS Office files from your system, it still retains the registry. The reason is, MS Office is shipped as OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer whereas it should be installed on a single computer for a single license or as what the license says. In case of reinstallation, it might violate the original purpose of the license hence Microsoft keeps the registry after the uninstallation process.
If you simply install without checking the registry, you may encounter the following error:. Now back to the registry editing, use regedit to check the registry entry of previous MS Office versions:. Right click on the each of the entries and choose Rename. You can rename it to whatever name you like, for example BlahOffice The point here is, by renaming the registry into another one, MS Office installer will consider the installation as fresh install in which you have no previous MS Office installed so that it will simply go with default installation process.
After restarting your computer, you may begin the installation for MS Office from your CD smoothly. These days, more users are shifting their document processors from Office to Office You can find scattered information about how to use MS Office or for the sake of efficient reading, learning from some ebooks like this one.
Operating Systems. Total Downloads 3,, Downloads Last Week 1, Report Software. Related Software. LibreOffice Free. Enhance your document production and data processing with feature-rich apps. Create, open, and edit Office documents. Office Tab Free to try. Bring tabbed user interface to Microsoft Office , , , and Microsoft Office Word Update Free. Get an update to Microsoft Office Word User Reviews. Show Reviews. Developer's Description By Microsoft. So here's ours. We've consolidated this information from Microsoft's websites and provided links where possible, but please see our Disclaimer below.
Older version? A KeynoteSupport. Before upgrading Windows, verify that all existing applications are compatible and research upgrade issues. This is especially true if you don't have the installation disks because an application came pre-installed or a Trial version was activated.
You may see references to the Windows Compatibility Center in the above charts. Unfortunately, Microsoft removed this online tool. Also, the support dates listed above refer to Microsoft's Extended Support.
Disclaimer : As always, we do our best to provide accurate, easy-to-understand information for our website visitors. Chances are, it's a compatability problem.
If you're asking for technical help, please be sure to include all your system info, including operating system, model number, and any other specifics related to the problem. Also please exercise your best judgment when posting in the forums--revealing personal information such as your e-mail address, telephone number, and address is not recommended. Please note: Do not post advertisements, offensive material, profanity, or personal attacks.
Please remember to be considerate of other members. All submitted content is subject to our Terms Of Use. By errin. Hello, I have Vista and the office on a gateway computer. I create documents, such as, power point presentations that are not compatible with the ms office version. If I email a client a presentation they can not view it. Is there any changes for that. I know there is a converter out there, but doesnt the one that has ms office need to down load that before they can view my email.