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Datos personales Evecocoon View my complete profile. Publicado por Evecocoon en AM Etiquetas: bug , error , fail , fallo , fringe , serie , series. This comment has been removed by the author. Latin English. Show algorithmically generated translations. Similar phrases. Examples Add.

Both were pardoned , Segimerus readily, the son with some hesitation, because it was said that he had insulted the corpse of Quintilius Varus.

Procumbunt omnibus Gallis ad pedes Bituriges, ne pulcherrimam prope totius Galliae urbem, quae praesidio et ornamento sit civitati, suis manibus succendere cogerentur: facile se loci natura defensuros dicunt, quod prope ex omnibus partibus flumine et palude circumdata unum habeat et perangustum aditum. Datur petentibus venia dissuadente primo Vercingetorige, post concedente et precibus ipsorum et misericordia vulgi. Iam vero tantum abest ut Nos propterea ab inito avocemur consilio, ut certum sit contentiore potius studio et recte animatis lumen afferre et sancta vituperantibus veniam a Deo, fraterna piorum imploratione, exorare.

We, however, so far from being hereby turned aside from the design which We have taken in hand, are on the contrary determined all the more zealously and diligently to hold up the light for the guidance of the well disposed, and, with the help of the united prayers of the faithful, earnestly to implore forgiveness for those who speak evil of holy things. Unde venis? Ut hic, Ecclesia, amore miserenti ducta, id munus semper implebit omnibusque nuntiabit veniam eosque ad spem confirmabit, quae quidem e Cruce promanant.

Like him, the church will always carry out this mission with sentiments of merciful love and will bring to all people those words of forgiveness and that invitation to hope which come from the cross.

Studiose vivamus Iubilaeum, exorantes a Patre veniam peccatorum extensionemque eius miserantis indulgentiae. Hic nempe Christi vultus est quem oportet etiam per sacramentum paenitentiae revelari, quod «Christifideli via est communis, qua veniam consequatur ac remissionem gravium, quae post Baptismum commisit, peccatorum».

It is this face of Christ that must be rediscovered through the Sacrament of Penance, which for the faithful is "the ordinary way of obtaining forgiveness and the remission of serious sins committed after Baptism". Cras ad te veniam. Prima persuasio est: Sacramentum Paenitentiae Christifideli via est communis, qua veniam consequatur ac remissionem gravium, quae post Baptismum commisit, peccatorum.

The first conviction is that for a Christian the sacrament of penance is the primary way of obtaining forgiveness and the remission of serious sin committed after baptism. Visne veniam? Anno veniam accepit. Dic mihi unde venias. Quae officiosa amicitia atque filiorum vobiscum consuetudo procul dubio occasionem facultatemque suppeditabunt, ut animum suum tempestive vobis aperiant suasque difficultates ostendant, certa erecti spe, vos nullo non tempore sibi praesto fore, ut errata, in quae forte inciderint, in vobis deponere possint, sine servili castigationis metu, sed, ut filios decet, cum admonitionis, veniae et subsidii exspectatione, quae simul eos instimulet et accendat ad coeptum iter redintegrata fiducia pergendum.


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