Colorado walk it off with game-winning FG Anthony Brown throws TD with defender on his leg Passing Yards Rushing Yards Points For Points Against Mariscal Ray Guy Award D. Graham John Mackey Award M. Russell Dick Butkus Award R. Salaam Doak Walker Award R. Salaam Heisman Memorial Trophy. Washington State. Oregon State. Arizona State.
Permit holders from east campus may park in their permitted lots or if they come to main campus, they will park in the C4C Parking Garage lot Heavy traffic congestion and limited parking occur on all home football game days, so please plan your commute accordingly. Campus Department Business permits, Vendor permits, Worksite permits and Emergency permits are not honored for personal parking during hone football games. If you use assistive technology and need assistance with one of the documents, please contact Parking Services at PARK Hours: Academic Year: M-F 8 a.
Summer: M-F a. Hours: Office Hours: M-F 8 a. Maintenance Shop: M-F 7 a. Did you have a close call or near miss with a bicycle, pedestrian, skateboarder or motorist? You can report close calls to the City of Boulder through their Close Call form. Search Enter the terms you wish to search for. Other ways to search: Events Calendar Campus Map. Breadcrumb Home Event Parking Football. Advantages of pre-purchased parking include: the ability to park in any public event parking lots on main campus.
Parking lots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, there is no guaranteed space in specific lots. East campus parking is not available for pre-purchase. A great option for getting to and from campus is the RTD bus system.
RTD's Trip Planner will pick the four best bus routes possible based on your location, destination, time you plan to leave, etc. Most Park-n-Rides, as they garages are called, have free parking.
Another great mode of transportation is the bike! Whether it's your own cruiser or a rented one, there are more than enough bike racks to lock your bike to. B-Cycle has 40 stations in Boulder, 10 of which are directly on or near campus. Full-time students ride for free, while there are several other options available for non-students. Here are some fast facts to know before deciding to bring your personal vehicle to the game:.
Hours: Academic Year: M-F 8 a. Summer: M-F a.